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Get to know the Sambódromo, Rio's samba catwalk

Conheça o sambódromo, a passarela do samba carioca

THE Sambadrome was built in 1984. Its official name is Passarela Professor Darcy Ribeiro and the construction is part of an architectural style built by the famous architect THEscar Niemeyer. Located on Rua Marquês de Sapucaí, in the central region of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the place receives millions of revelers, who organize themselves to accompany the parades during the carioca carnival.


Before its existence, samba schools already paraded in the center of Rio de Janeiro, however, it was necessary to assemble and disassemble the bleachers annually. Due to the growth and popularization of carnival, the need for a place of its own for the realization of this grandiose event was pointed out. Do you want to know more about the Sambadrome? Read on!


What is the size and crossing time of the Sambadrome?


the track of Sambadrome it is 700 meters long, 13 meters wide and has capacity for 80 thousand revelers, which are divided into several sectors. Schools need to cross the walkway between 60 and 70 minutes, ending the parade at Praça da Apoteose. An entire night of fashion shows can last up to 12 hours!


There are those who like to watch only the school parade from the heart and there are also those who prefer to watch all the parades to compare various aspects. In March 2021, the Sambadrome was listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan), thus being legally prevented from being de-characterized, due to its cultural, historical, architectural, environmental and affective value.


Structure of the Sambadrome


THE Sambadrome It has 13 sectors, divided by even and odd sides. The even ones are close to the Praça THEnze subway and the odd ones are close to the Central train station. All sectors have restrooms and snack bars. There are 5 location options within the Sambadrome, from the simplest (grandstands) to the most sophisticated (boxes).


  • Bleachers;
  • friezes;
  • Covered friezes;
  • Numbered chairs;


Sambadrome during the Covid-19 pandemic


During the Covid-19 pandemic, which made carnival parades impossible in 2021, the Sambadrome it was used as a vaccination site, demonstrating its ability to meet society's demands. The Sambadrome has also hosted other events, such as national and international concerts and the 2016 THElympics.


Learn more about Rio Carnival at the Carnaval Experience


Do you want to live an immersion in the carioca carnival? Come take a guided tour of the greatest show on Earth! Here in the Carnaval Experience, Rio de Janeiro carnival tourism and culture program, you will go through several stages of the carnival, getting to know the costumes, the floats, samba dancing with the passistas, drinking caipirinha and listening to the sound of the drums that makes your heart beat faster! Come and fall in love with Rio's carnival!


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